When I am writing my slides for a presentation, recording a video to help a student with a piece of work or finishing a bit code to my latest ridiculous web project I am constantly thinking ‘Who will I sacrifice this to?’ There are many gods scrambling for my content, they need many content sacrifices to grow bigger than the other gods. It has become unclear if we need the gods or the gods need us.

I have pledged my alliance to many content gods, video will be placed upon the alter to the almighty YouTube, PHP code will be hosted by my provider to be scrapped by the Titan Google, I have recently stopped visiting the shrine of Slideshare and instead pop by the statue of Speakerdeck. Sometimes my employer asks me to sacrifice to different Gods, I have been told ordered to offer my content to the institutional CMS system or Google drive.

The gods call us ‘content creators’ and actually they don’t really care what the content is, as long as it is content. The content itself goes to the cosmological, perhaps transcendent place called Big Data, where all the gods live surrounded by their sacrificed content, and some Wickes 13mm Galvanised Mesh Panel.

Gods do not eyes, they have algorithms. The algorithms can feel the ‘gist’ of content. The more content a god a god has, and the better its algorithms the more powerful a god becomes, expanding its fences and upgrading to B&Q heavy duty PVC coated fences.

Being able to work out the gists of Big Data may make the content gods more powerful, but without eyes they are forever doomed in to not understand the emotions, friendships and conversations around it that make the content creators more than just content creators.

Categories: Big Data


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